Only four easy words, but a difficult concept. One that took me a while to grasp. 

My life once consisted of a soul-sucking job and way too many I can’t do this anymores. And for what? So that I could exist in someone else’s version of a successful life?

So I scratched it all and started living the way I wanted to. When I decided to pursue elopement photography full-time, I promised myself one thing. I won’t play by the rules. 

And neither should you. So where do you want to go? What do you want to do? I’ll always encourage you to do that. 

There are no rules.
(in weddings or in life)

Let’s chat about my wedding!

I am a mosaic of everyone and everything around me. Oh no, another sappy and sentimental wedding photographer, I know. But I’m going somewhere with this, so bear with me… 

Think about it. We are infused with pieces and bits of the people we love. We are built by moments and memories. And while we are often focused on what makes us so different, I think it’s beautiful to remember that in so many ways we are the same. 

So rather than give you the whole, “I’m a Virginia wedding photographer spiel,” I’m going to share my moments, my stories, and my people. Through them, you’ll not only get to know me, but also reflect on everyone and everything that makes YOU who you are. 

And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be inspired by ways to make them a part of your happiest day. 

How can you condense who you are into just a few sentences? 

get cozy and pull up a seat, let’s get to know each other.  

You are SO welcome here, friend. 

Capture my story!

Clearly they never met my sweet Nana. You’d love her. And truly, she’s everywhere you turn on my website. The flowers, the recipe box in my logo, the warmth on each page – that’s Nana. She saw people how they were, a little something I like to think I picked up from her. That, and my green thumb. 

And though she passed before my own wedding day, she was there, too. In the cookie table at my reception, each one a recipe I learned from her. In the angel-shaped pin she gave me before she died, tucked in my bouquet. 

It’s those little sentimental details that really mean the most. It’s why I so intentionally included them in my day. And it’s why I will always photograph them in yours. 

Who said grandma vibes are a bad thing? 

Jonathan, Jake, Sylvia, Ben, Travis & Dawson

Kelley & Greg

Mom & Sam

Dad & Karrie

 Share your story with me

To other people.

And it was the most special thing. Not every kid gets to see their parent fall for someone and then choose them everyday. It taught me that love can take many shapes and forms - but all of them are beautiful. 

Now I have the most incredible blended family that I am so unbelievably grateful for. Six siblings to live life surrounded by, four incredible parents to look up to. 

When I met Cam, I knew I had snagged something real. And that he would walk right into my huge, crazy family and fit right in. But what I didn’t know is that I’d gain a second (even crazier) family & two more parents…his. My in-laws are two of the most incredible people I've ever met.

Life will give you the people you never knew you needed. Who are yours?

I watched my parents fall in love...

Oooh, tell me more!

And my wedding was truly the greatest day. But I would have worn a potato sack and a Ring Pop if it meant I got to marry my best friend.

Every moment of our wedding day felt surreal - we got married in Cameron's parent's backyard where we've spent countless summers & afternoons spending time with family & creating the most special memories. Looking back, it’s a whirlwind of moments and snippets in my mind with all of my favorite humans pictured above. Just another reason I am so thankful for my wedding photos. Each time I look through them, I’m reminded of how damn lucky I am. 

Cameron makes me a better person. He is my steady support and cozy comfort. When I told him I wanted to take photography full-time he was all, “heck yeah let’s figure it out!” His encouragement makes me a better photographer & a better human.

I’ve said I Do, too!

love an adventure outdoors just as much a couch potato Netflix binge
hang with your parents as much as you can because they’re that dang cool
treat your pets like they’re your children 
get all teary eyed watching movies or looking at photo albums
believe family is everything 

 You’re my kinda person if you: 

Show me the bits and pieces that make up your story. Tell me all of the sentimental details and mushy gushy love that you want to fill your day. 

I’ve shared mine with you, So we’re no longer strangers, but rather long lost friends. And I’m dying to know how you’ve been!